Index of /Udemy - The Complete JavaScript Course 2024 From Zero to Expert/17 - Modern JavaScript Development Modules, Tooling, and Functional/

001 Section Intro.mp4                              19-Dec-2024 22:36     16M
001 Section                           19-Dec-2024 22:35    1079
002 Get-starter-code-if-you-havent-yet-.url        19-Dec-2024 22:35      86
002 Section Roadmap.html                           19-Dec-2024 22:35     770
003 An Overview of Modern JavaScript Developmen..> 19-Dec-2024 22:36     31M
003 An Overview of Modern JavaScript Developmen..> 19-Dec-2024 22:34     10K
004 An Overview of Modules in JavaScript.mp4       19-Dec-2024 22:36     81M
004 An Overview of Modules in    19-Dec-2024 22:35     24K
005 Exporting and Importing in ES6 Modules.mp4     19-Dec-2024 22:36    126M
005 Exporting and Importing in ES6  19-Dec-2024 22:36     32K
006 Top-Level await (ES2022).mp4                   19-Dec-2024 22:36    121M
006 Top-Level await (ES2022)                19-Dec-2024 22:35     19K
007 The Module Pattern.mp4                         19-Dec-2024 22:36     73M
007 The Module                      19-Dec-2024 22:35     14K
008 CommonJS Modules.mp4                           19-Dec-2024 22:36     24M
008 CommonJS                        19-Dec-2024 22:34    7816
009 A Brief Introduction to the Command Line.mp4   19-Dec-2024 22:36     64M
009 A Brief Introduction to the Command Line_en..> 19-Dec-2024 22:35     18K
010 Introduction to NPM.mp4                        19-Dec-2024 22:36    142M
010 Introduction to                     19-Dec-2024 22:34     25K
011 Bundling With Parcel and NPM Scripts.mp4       19-Dec-2024 22:36    184M
011 Bundling With Parcel and NPM    19-Dec-2024 22:34     31K
012 Configuring Babel and Polyfilling.mp4          19-Dec-2024 22:36    157M
012 Configuring Babel and       19-Dec-2024 22:36     24K
013 Review Writing Clean and Modern JavaScript.mp4 19-Dec-2024 22:36     45M
013 Review Writing Clean and Modern JavaScript_..> 19-Dec-2024 22:35     16K
014 Let's Fix Some Bad Code Part 1.mp4             19-Dec-2024 22:36    216M
014 Let's Fix Some Bad Code Part          19-Dec-2024 22:35     32K
015 Declarative and Functional JavaScript Princ..> 19-Dec-2024 22:36     65M
015 Declarative and Functional JavaScript Princ..> 19-Dec-2024 22:35     19K
016 Let's Fix Some Bad Code Part 2.mp4             19-Dec-2024 22:36    335M
016 Let's Fix Some Bad Code Part          19-Dec-2024 22:35     53K
[CourseClub.Me].url                                19-Dec-2024 22:35     122
[GigaCourse.Com].url                               19-Dec-2024 22:35      49
external-links.txt                                 19-Dec-2024 22:35     107